Would like to say thank you to TZION GATE LIFE CENTER MINISTRY for your timely gifts….the BIBLE says when GOD speaks to us, we obey HIS instructions and do what HE says….

TZION GATE LIFE CENTER MINISTRY, we appreciate you being obedience to the voice of GOD and Blessing us real good in such a time as this …may GOD increased you abundantly and expand your border in a great way…Thank you ….Thank you…Thank you.


Firstly, I want to thank God for looking out for me as a single mother of four children. Then the people who care for me and I didn’t know it until I experienced it when I got a surprise gift for Christmas for my family.  I was going through a rough time in my life and was praying and asking God to help me. I got a phone call asking me if I wanted a Food Voucher, so I said yes because it was one of my needs.  I can say more but this is one of my testimonies. I want to thank God for I believe that there are still good people out there doing God’s work generously.  I thank again the Gatekeepers from the organization which is the Tzion Gate Life Centre Ministry for blessing me and my children. Keep up the good work! God bless!