Three (3) Categories of Membership: General, Volunteer, Associate.

(1) General: Any person who voluntarily expresses a willingness to render a service or assist on programs/projects for TGLCM without having any legal concern or interest. Such members will be entitled to hold office and vote on matters of policy Registration -TT$100 (a one-time fee) & Annual Dues – TT$300.

(2) Volunteer: Any person who voluntarily expresses a willingness to render a service or assist on programs/projects without having a legal concern or interest. Such members will not be entitled to hold office or vote on matters of policy. Registration – TT$100 (a one-time fee).

(3) Associate: Any non-governmental organization or community-based organization having a formal relationship with TGLCM may become an Associate member. Such members will not be entitled to hold office or vote on matters of policy. Registration – TT$100 (one-time fee).